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Crafters Choice Coco Cabana ( wsp I think )


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I poured this yesterday from a 2 oz sample I received off the classies. I have no clue how old this stuff is, but I really liked it even though it gave me a huge headache. ( reason being is I think I overdid it in a very small room with no ventilation like someone with "good sense" LOL ) But anyway, I hate hate hate hate despise with a burning purple passion to the firey depths of hades, coconut. Anything coconut. But this stuff ? With its large percentage of pineapple in it too ? YUMMY!

The only thing I order from WSP is vanilla stabilizer I can't seem to find anywhere else ( for lotions and soaps ), so Im wondering , do you guys know where I might could find a replacement for BOTH of these items? Im trying to condense my supplier lists, to save on shipping, and I don't mind adding a few things , I just really hate WSPs price jumps "to include shipping" .

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Thanks Ksranch. You wouldn't happen to know if they smell anything alike ? I know I will have to try a lot of different samples, was just hoping that maybe someone had already found a replacement and could point me in the direction. I found out last year just how expensive trying to find a suitable replacement for Pink Sugar was. I loved the one I had, but shipping for that item was crazy for just needing one thing or so at a time.. so I tried to find a replacement. I think by the time it was all over, I'd tried 7 different suppliers Pink Sugar.. Needless to say, I really don't want to repeat that experience. I may have to break down and do some blending, but I really just did not want to have to buy the coconut, when I can't stand it in the first place lol .

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