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I almost got caught...don't you!


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So I get up this morning, and still groggy(when will I learn not to do anything before having some coffee:laugh2:!), turn on the computer and get on the internet. My normal homepage comes up, and I click on the mail option to sign in. When the sign in page comes up, it looked kinda funny, but I enter my info anyway. Then this page pops up that says my password has expired. Huh??? I've had this email and password for years and the password doesn't expire...you just reset it when you want. So a page comes up asking me to input my email, old password, new password...you know the drill. I don't do it. I click on home and try the whole thing again, only this time I'm wide awake. When the sign in page comes up, I notice the box that you enter your email addy in is outlined in red. Huh? again. It's never outlined in red. And the usual pictures and layout of that page are slightly different. Then I look at the address bar at the top of screen. Although it says "https" the rest of the address is not the same as usual. In fact, it is some garbly goop!:shocked2: I immediately closed my browser, checked for security updates, and ran a scan. Sure enough, someone had tried to reset registry keys on my computer!:shocked2: Then good ole Microsoft sent me 7 critical security/malicious software removal tool updates.

I've never had anything like that ever happen. I guess I'm mentioning it here because you(in general)can't just look for the "https" anymore and think you'll be safe. You need to look at the whole address. I'm so glad I didn't fall for this.:tiptoe: Now...off for that coffee!:smiley2:

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Thanks for the heads up on this. May I ask what ISP you have? I had a Microsoft software update last night but didn't check what it was for.

My computer has wireless and dialup, believe it or not, for when we are travelling and in areas of the country that still don't have wireless connections. Wireless is Cox and dialup in AT&T.

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