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Help!!! Need help with cupcake candles

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I see cupcake candles on sale on etsy and websites. Does this mean most candles with whipped topping will have this issue? Or is this a wick testing issue?

It may be more of a shape issue. I have some that burn great. It appears they were poured into a mold that has more of a rounded top and there is only a thin layer of "frosting" on top. It appears they are wicked more like a pillar. Never tried making them myself.

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The ones poured using a mold won't have the faster burn issue as they aren't whipped. To me, the whipped ones look more realistic, so that's how I do it. With mine, while the frosting does burn somewhat faster, it's not overly noticeable. You may try a little less whipping - it's hard to tell from a pic but yours looks like you could back off a little to a more creamy texture as opposed to a more 'ice cream' type texture - and yes, be sure not to overwick - since it's whipped it can take a little less according to diameter than if it wasn't. HTH

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