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Insurance in AZ


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Are you talking about product liability insurance, general liability business insurance or what? The costs vary from several hundred dollars a year to a thousand or more, depending... Product liability insurance is a must and often general business liability is needed.

There is a lot of discussion contained here in the threads. If you look up on this page and click on the "breadcrumb" that says "Business Side of things" it will take you to the main page of the business forum. From there, look up top to your right in the grey stripe and click where it says "search forums" to drop down the forum search box. Type "insurance" in the box and select "show posts" then hit the Search button. You can quickly scan the posts for information pertinent to this.

You can also call local agencies, but if you call your own homeowner's insurance agent, be very careful: some companies regard this as a high risk activity and may even raise your rates or cancel your insurance. Many do not, but ya never know... DO check your renters or homeowner's policy to be SURE that you are covered in case of fire resulting from candlemaking (or other business) activity. Some won't pay; others will. If you are renting, be sure this is not an exclusion in your lease or homeowners association (condo assn.) agreement.

If you plan to sell at shows, you need to check into general business liability insurance (someone trips and falls in your booth) as well. Some shows want a certificate of insurance to set up. Others provide it. Because there are so many variables, you cannot be too careful in checking into this thoroughly.

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Thanks Stella I did do searches on the board and found some really good info even contacted an agent locally was just curious what others in AZ were paying and who they were using.

So from what I am taking from your post is I need to look into product liability insurance, as I do not want to do shows and will only sell online and give to friends.

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I have General Liability covering completed products/opeartions, medical, mfg extension and damage to premises with a 1MM-2MM limit depending on the incident. They also do a certificate for me covering the venue I am selling in if the event requires it at no additional charge. It is under $500/yr through Ohio Casualty (I do not live in Ohio). I got this policy through a local independent ins agent about 7 yrs ago and so far the price has remained the same each year.

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