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Candle Making Classes


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I would like to start a "candle making teaching program". Would anyone know where I could obtain a book on teaching candle making or other information such as a successful program that another candle maker has developed? I would gladly pay for such information and would not ask someone to give me something they spent hours developing. What I am looking for is an outline, ideas, as well as do's and don'ts without reinventing the wheel again.

Many thanks to any and all that respond. My email is popscandleshoppe@cox.net


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I have taught before. First I sat down and went through my candle process step by step, writing it down. Went over it and made notes on tips, etc. I noted different methods. I then made notes on the different types of waxes, wicks, fragrances and colorants. Once I was done, I organized the information in order and made an "information/instruction" paper for the attendees. Work it out in an outline form first. I tend to be wordy, so I had to go over it a few times to get the info down but not write a book...lol.

What is a candle?

What types of candles are there?

Wax types and differences?

Wick types and differences?

Fragrances versus Essential oils.

Why important to test wax, wix, containers.

Safety concerns.

Supplies needed/recommended.

Heating wax methods, stirring methods, pouring methods, etc.

At this point they are overwhelmed by the amount of info thrown at them. I tell a funny story of a candle incident I have had.

While I go through all this I have the wax melting.

They get a copy of the paper to follow along with that they can take notes on and take home.

Then I have them make a candle while I give them step by step instructions. I keep class sizes at 6 and under for this type of class. I also sometimes do a class where I just demonstrate making a candle. I take time to answer questions, give a helping hand and encourage them.

For the class I charge a small flat fee and then a fee for each candle they make (many want to make a few for gifts). It's been a while since I have done a class but seems like we were done in 1 1/2 hours. I make up small kits of wax, wicks and 2 types of fragrance oil (enough for 5 jelly jar candles) that they can purchase at cost so they can go home and play. I do not include this in the class because I have had several attendees who do not have lots of money but want to learn how to make gifts or are just getting a fun night out.

Hope this gives you a start.

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