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Second guessing myself for the 1000th time: need input please


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hehehe well since Im the OP , its ok LOL.

Im sore. Been sitting in the floor all morning taking apart 4 huge bags of florals from HL I got yesterday and getting them ready to mix and match and make bouquets for the dipped stuff. Im gonna be ok , I just go get in the jacuzzi about three times a day when I start hurting bad. Just one of those things !

But I would like the number of that Mack truck that hit me when I laying there in the street !!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO !

Glad to hear you are up and moving around today. Sometimes the day after is worse. Am thinking that jacuzzi helps a whole lot!

Seeing ChandlerWicks got the truck # for ya, maybe they will compensate and you can buy more FOs :tiptoe:

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Sorry, but you are wrong. We thought that too a long time ago. If you want to sell your products, you have to give your customers what THEY want, not what you like or think. That was a hard lesson for us (me) to accept. Colors absolutely matter to customers, even tarts. I would suggest you do a side-by-side test; one batch colored and one batch natural and see which one sells best.

Been there, done that. Color makes NO difference.

I've been predominately dye free for years. Occasionally I'll dribble in a drop of dye because I'm bored, but never enough to be anything more than slightly tinted.

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not sure exactly what you were referring to as "Attitude"

To clarify, I meant belief, experience, etc. Aspects that affect perception that have no physical properties - the "all in your head" kind of stuff.

For example, your gramma was a vicious, mean, cruel old witch of a woman who always wore violet cologne. So now, you can't stand the smell of violets because it reminds you of that old witch who tried to bake you in the oven with Hansel & Gretel when you were little. Your "attitude" about violets has been affected by the unpleasant experiences you associate with it. My gramma was a florist and whenever I smell that delicious "flower shop" smell, I have wonderful, delightful memories of childhood running around in her shop. So, naturally, it's one of my favorite aromas. The pleasant experiences I associated with that fragrance have affected my "attitude" toward it in a positive direction.

Some people have strong beliefs that dye is unhealthy or fragrance is unhealthy so their beliefs will change their attitude about color and scented products.

Some people have fragrance-triggered asthma, migraines or epilepsy. While I may find a strong fragrance pleasing, they will report it as stifling, choking, painful, sickening, etc. The unpleasant effects of their health conditions have changed their attitudes toward fragrance.

I hope those examples clarified what I meant by "attitude."

It depends on the market and/or area

Yeah you right. Some products are hot items in one market and go ignored in another. Understanding how to hit all bases if possible (without driving yourself crazy) will help keep sales up. I'm good with that. :-)

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Stella : Agreed

KS and Whisper : They love color here too. I wonder sometimes if I need to just go with their flow, but my entire line was started and centered around a more upscale, classic, clean look. I love country, rustic, prim, etc, but thats ALL there is up here. Everywhere you turn. And while I love that, I do love the (and I hate to use this phrase because some take it as me being condescending but Im NOT ) ..a more classy looking line. Now, if you walk in my house, the entire living room is rustic, Indian, country. So it's not that I dont love that, I just wanted to offer a different look. When I got the idea for my line, there wasn't a lot of "upscale yet afforadable" candles/melts/bnb done by crafters... I loved the "look" of Voluspa, Jo Malone, Henri Bendel.......... but honestly??? FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR A FREAKING CANDLE???????????? I about passed out and I kept thinking I was seeing typos til I went to about 10 websites and kept seeing the same thing over and over.

I wanted that "look" and the highest quality I could attain while keeping it reasonable and affordable for the "little guy".

I guess thats why I went with white/undyed.

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