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has anyone seen this from Yan***?

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Each of those jars will hold 2 of the scented beads jars. And those jars are 2.5 (or maybe 2.8?) oz of scented beads @ only 7.99 per jar. So, if my math is correct, that's 7.99 X2 jars = 15.98 plus 4.99 for the jar that's only 20.97 plus ther shipping is just a flat rate $5 for a grand total of $25.97 for a 5 (or 5.6) ounce candle.

The sad part is someone will pay $5 per ounce! And we complain when we have to pay $2 per pound of unscented wax - shipping included.....


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I did see this from Blankey when they first came out and I was just amazed, for one thing this, I believe was the response to the trend that was happening on their facebook page. People were pouring used wax, or crumbled wax from tarts they didn't like the ht for into jars, wicking them and burning them. 5 months later this thing appears. But I guess that is what good companies do, right?

The second thing I noticed is that this stuff is suspiciously similar to wax crumbles used for their tarts, so they could conceivably just break up the tarts and do the same thing for $5 less... The person I know at blankey said that these are different than the crumbles they use for the tarts but I am not sure I believe that. I believe she believed they had less fragrance oil in it, which would be more like the stuff they make their votive candles out of.

Interesting for sure! I have been playing with the idea of doing a create-your-own sand-art style booth to take to shows. I think it will pull a lot of people in, I remember doing a sand-art style candle when I was around 10, and it was really fun and in retrospect it was really the first candle I ever made.

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One of our two whole candle suppliers over here has been selling similar wax & doing really well with it. I think people are paying for the "novelty" factor... plus it's easier than actually having to melt wax & "do all that messy stuff" if you want to make your own.

I'm not too sure about the saftey of these. I wonder how the wick would end up half way through? I don't know... I've never made one...

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