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Questions about sellilng my soap business


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A long stint of unemployment for my husband is resulting in us moving 750 miles away and selling our house/small farm for a new start. I just do not have the energy or health to start all over again developing new markets. Is there a formula used to put a price on the business? Something like capital investment times gross sales divided by number of full moons per year? lol - the number thing has always been my arch enemy.... I am aware that a lot of times when businesses like this sell, the only thing the buyer really wants is the recipe book and sales accounts but I've got a lot of other stuff too that I don't want to move (like separate set-ups for farmers markets, festivals, and inside craft shows) not to mention all of the mfg. stuff...

Thanks for any input.

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If you are selling a business, you need a lawyer, an accountant, and possibly a realtor or business broker unless you already have a buyer. All can help you set a realistic price. I would never, ever, and I repeat, EVER, consider selling a business without a lawyer and accountant. If you want the transaction to go smoothly, get your money, stay out of trouble with the IRS, and be released from liabilities, these two people are critical. Good luck to you.

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