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Your favorite Autumn scents?


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What are your favorites for Autumn? I'm specifically looking for body/perfume scents right now, but I'd be glad to hear your candle favorites too. I am looking around for something kind of unusual for soap/perfume that has a lot of deep, dark dirt (patchouli) and falling leaves notes to it, but most of those are definitely candle/room scents and smell like you've got potpourri stuffed in your bra if you wear them. I don't know if something like this exists already, or can be blended.

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Blends are a lot of fun to play with. I have one that I did last fall for the Halloween swap that's got Patchouli in it but I'm pretty sure the particular type of patchouli is no longer available and I haven't tried it with another type yet. Other than that, my current "OMG!" is CS's Oakmoss & Amber. No significant Patchouli notes but it does make an amazing perfume and is fairly gender neutral. Some other musky/earthy types of stuff that I like is AH's Incense. It's the closest (and nearly identical at that) to this amazing Dragon's Blood that I used to get. It's definitely got some of what you're describing. Fall scents are favs of mine and rarely limited to just fall but I think those two might be a good place to start for what you're looking for.

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