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Neep Help. Getting whipped wax to stick to my cupcake.

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New to the forums but I've been making candles for a very long time.

I've always wanted to make the cupcake candles and since I have a bit of down time figured it was now or never. I'm having some issues though..the whipped topping is not adhering to the top of my cupakes as well and I would like them too. I've tried a few different methods such as, using the heat gun and using some micro for "glue" but this hasn't really changed the fact that once it's in packaging and moves around pieces break off. Is this the nature of the beast or am missing something? If anyone is willing to share some tips with me I'd appreciate it.

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I use Ecosoya pillar blend wax for my cupcakes, for both the cake and the icing. I wait until the wax in the pot is like mashed potatoes before I put it on the cupcake. The FO and the dye will add some liquid to the wax so the more solid the wax is, the better or it's going to be very runny and not make a good icing. I put the wax in a pouring pot and use a whisk to whip it. I add the FO and the dye and whip it till all the lumps are out of it and the dye is blended. I wait till the cupcake part is set and cooled before adding the icing. Once I have the icing on, I add sprinkles.

I haven't tried using another wax for these, the pillar wax is working very well for me.

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PAgirl89 gave really good details - I do mine in a metal bowl rather than a pour pot for whipping - you didn't give any info on how you are doing that part or when you are adding it so it's hard to give advise on what you may need to change. Different from PAgirl89 - I make the 'whipped' part like I would normally as in adding FO & dye at normal temps etc - then I put some in the metal bowl to begin the whipping process - but like her, I add it when the 'base' is partially set and cooled, but not completely - thus the adhesion. And, thus the question of when you are adding your toppings... you shouldn't have to use a heat gun much less glue..

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I do it in a pour pot as well, but I don't use a whisk..what I see that I am doing differently is that I heat it up then I wait till I get about 1/4 inch around the edges before I begin to whip it. I use a metal spoon and scrape it down in to the wax and then I whip it. However, it does still whip together, it's creamy and I use the spoon to put it one my cakes. I'm going to try the whisk and putting the wax in a bowl to whip it and see if that changes anything. Thanks for the replies.

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I have found that if I let the bottom of the cupcake cool too much this happens. I wait just until the top is set up enough to hold up the weight of the whipped wax then do the topping. Since I started to do this I haven't had any issues.

Yep! With the cupcakes or muffins or loaves - the big trick is timing - getting the topping to be "just right" at the same time the base is thick enough to hold it, but not too cool that it won't stick! Practice, practice, practice! lol

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