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Can this be done??


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Okay, let me prelude by saying that I have NEVER made soap before. And I know nothing about it so if this is the world's dumbest question, I appologize.

I am making cheerleader survival kits for my duaghter's cheer team going to Nationals. It's a bag filled with random stuff representing different things to 'help' them get through competition day. One of the items is a mini soap to help them deliver a clean routine. I have a candy/soap mold that is a little bar that says Cheerleading on it that I used to make chocolate bars for State Competition once. Is it possible to make a quick, easy peasy soap? Like is there a kit or something? If not I will just buy regular soaps, but I thought it would be cute to use the mold.

Oh yea, we are leaving for Vegas for the competition in 5 days.

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Sure. Lots of suppliers sell melt & pour. It's exactly what it sounds like. You melt it (microwave is fine), you pour it. Once it's set up, which takes about the same length of time as it does for a candle, pop it out of the mold and wrap it in food grade plastic wrap or paper, or whatever you wish.

When I was making melt & pour soap, I used SFIC Shea Butter, but there are a lot of different ones you can get. Here's an example of some (not to be construed as a recommendation but there are a lot of examples here, which is why I chose this supplier):


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No, you don't have to add anything. There are things you can add if you wish, such as fragrance. I added a little glob of melt & pour shaving soap for extra lather. Really, the things you can add are endless. Seeds, stems, oils, let your imagination go wild. But it's fine with nothing added.

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