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Dancing Waters


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If you have ONE customer requesting this scent, it isn't worth the time or cost. When you're new to the business, you want to try to please everyone that you can but in the long run........you're just farting in the wind. Don't try to please everyone; it will only cost you $.

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I dunno - I won't jump through hoops every time someone asks me about a fragrance (most of which I've never heard of anyway), but it never hurts to check around. I've gotten some really good, loyal customers who started out asking me if I could get XYZ fragrance for them... They seemed to appreciate the effort. It's kinda like customer service...

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Merits to both sides of it - I don't want to buy a pound at $21 - $35 and only sell her a couple candles. But, she works someplace where I'm building a good reputation and there are about 450 people that work there... so the extra effort/customer service could be a good thing. Normally, I'd just get 4 oz and see how it goes, but I don't find it available in less than a pound.

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I found something like it at SoS... I Googled and some woman on a forum said it was a knockoff of L'Eau D'Issey. SoS didn't have the Dancing Water, but they DO have the L'Eau D'Issey dupe... men's and women's types... Others thought it was like a woman's version of Cool Water by Davidoff... Hopefully you can find something similar enough to please her without buying a pound of the stuff!

Edited by Stella1952
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