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Indonesian Teakwood and Fresh Picked Blackberry


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I tried a new recipe as well as two new fragrances. The purple (which is a mix of two different micas and I have no idea if they will morph or not!) is not scented, but the yellow is the fresh picked blackberry - was very surprised to see it turn bright yellow. It has a lot of vanilla so it will probably turn brown. The white (which is hard to see in these pics) is scented Indonesian Teakwood. There is a small amount of vanilla, so it too may turn.

I wonder what the final colors will be! It won't bother me if they all change, but it is really pretty right now. :-)



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Thanks! The waiting is awful! As for the scent combo - I decided to try it when I opened the bottles for the first time. I smelled the teakwood first, then the fresh picked blackberry and they seemed to blend in my nose. (Can you tell I'm obsessed with fragrances?) Anyway, I tried it on a cotton ball and it was awesome! I had to use more teakwood than blackberry, but the blackberry gave it just a tad bit of sweetness. :-) I'm a big fan of the blackberry and may use it by itself as well. It is a very soft scent and not overpowering like some berry scents.

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