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Does anyone here play comment games or participate in giveaways? I'm just curious how it has worked out for you in terms of sales. Right now I'm in a giveaway on fb which generated over 400 fans for my page in less than a week. I'm happy to have the new fans but now that I'm thinking about it they only liked my page to win my prize in that giveaway (because its a requirement)... so who's to say they'll stay if they don't win or better yet BUY anything if their only looking for freebies? :tiptoe: How do you get and keep genuine fans on fb?

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I did this twice and have decided to never do it again. Well, never say never. I have just recently discovered this underground world of giveaways on FB. Along with that, I discovered that it is a definite hobby of posters to enter these giveaways and that is all they do. Enter giveaways, not shop. Reading their walls, I often see them bragging about hitting the max allowed 5000 Likes and had to whittle down the list to continue entering various giveaways. That is my experience. I had no idea there were so many giveaways and sweepstakes and bargains and freebie sites on FB.

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i use facebook as my main marketing tool. i have several personal friends of mine that sell my candles for me. what i did was instead of creating a fan page i created a page solely for my business and when i post pics i tag my salesman in them and vice versa. so when people add my candle page they actually send a friend request although one is not needed to post on my wall to ask questions or to see my pics. what this does is allows for a friends list that has people on it that in someway shape form or fashion knows one of my salesman personally or has tried my product and found their way to my page. as my salesman are constantly posting about our product their entire friends list sees thier post and can either deal directly with them or try to cut the middle man out which never works because they dont want to drive to the shop or pay shipping lol so they end up browsing my candle page looking at the scent lists and then just placing their order with the salesman. i have set my sales team up to cover the entire northwest corner of mississippi and southwest tennesse. if one of my salesman have a friend that wants some candles but lives too far from the salesman they will just refer them to the salesman that works their area....it has worked extremely well for me......now for give aways we will do a few every so often and the way we do it is by giving our sales man a couple of free candles to give away and they will make up a game and the winner gets their choice of scent. it makes for a better contest because it gets people involved who might not know who we are but know our salesman so in return you reach more people that have a higher percentage of being return customers as they know the person involved in selling the candles not like a fan page who just is open to the masses that generally dont know the person selling the product. also when the giveaway is over the other people who played the game will almost all the time comment on how they wish they would have won and the people who do win post on how great they are on the salesmans wall which in return makes the other friends of his want to try one even more to the point where they will order one just to try.....hell their only 5 bucks lol.

now some will say that since im new i dont have a clue about candle sales or didnt test enough or this or that and that matter has already been ridin into the dirt so i would really rather not go there on your post. i was just able to tell how i do what i do on facebook and it works for me! please dont try to copy me and blame me if it doesnt work for you. i have really dedicated sales people who i have been friends with for years and i owe all my success to them. all i do is give them good tools to work with and we in return make money together without greed taking over.

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Tanks for your input and thoughts guys!

@Alwayswondering, yes I am new to this fb giveaway stuff too. I thought about it yesterday and I've decided to give coupons or discounts to these people next time so they are required to make a purchase in order to get the deal. Liked I added a $10 off any purchase of $40 or more or something like that. That way anyone who enters can expect to spend $$$ and not just expect a freebie! I'll try it out and see how it goes. Thanks for your help.

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Does anyone here play comment games or participate in giveaways? I'm just curious how it has worked out for you in terms of sales. Right now I'm in a giveaway on fb which generated over 400 fans for my page in less than a week. I'm happy to have the new fans but now that I'm thinking about it they only liked my page to win my prize in that giveaway (because its a requirement)... so who's to say they'll stay if they don't win or better yet BUY anything if their only looking for freebies? :tiptoe: How do you get and keep genuine fans on fb?

Excellent topic you brought up. I use it sparingly & it's a given your fan numbers will drop after your contest. Just takes time to build a customer base - Facebook is a big tool for freebie hunters & you can't avoid that. It can also help you find wonderful customers you perhaps never would have - so there's good & bad to it.

Edited by marcuset
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I agree too, that adding a small purchase requirement as part of the prize package, is a better way to draw potential customers, vs freebie hunters. I've learned that the hard way myself.

Edited by marcuset
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I agree too, that adding a small purchase requirement as part of the prize package, is a better way to draw potential customers, vs freebie hunters. I've learned that the hard way myself.

Thanks.. yeah no more freebies unless its some sort of contest on my own page. It's so crazy how they even find freebies on fb. The lady I sponsored had less than 1000 fans.. had a giveaway and now has almost 4000 in less than a week! There's no way to search for freebies or giveaways so how do these people even find them??? Word spreads fast I guess when you offer free stuff.

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I usually have a weekly trivia question contest and I will give away a tart or samples but I don't use that to get fans, I only use it with the fans that I currently have so I know they are true fans. I have thought about some sort of give away for increase fan base, but just like you I don't want fake fans so to speak. :rolleyes2 But I have noticed with the fans that I have they really enjoy and look forward to the trivia questins and usually always post feedback on their prize they got. HTH

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I usually have a weekly trivia question contest and I will give away a tart or samples but I don't use that to get fans, I only use it with the fans that I currently have so I know they are true fans. I have thought about some sort of give away for increase fan base, but just like you I don't want fake fans so to speak. :rolleyes2 But I have noticed with the fans that I have they really enjoy and look forward to the trivia questins and usually always post feedback on their prize they got. HTH

That sounds so fun! Well a giveaway would def increase your fan base and although you may lose half or more (like I'm predicting I will) you'll gain some keepers I'm sure (like I'm hoping I will, lol). If anything it will at least put my name out there some more. We'll see... but no more for me anytime in the near future. I like the idea of doing something weekly for current fans.. thanks. Now I must go brainstorm.

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