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Beer Soap


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Hi Tait- dont mean this to sound patronizing at all, but be sure and remember to use the search feature. Most questions have been asked at least once before, theres a wealth of info there!

http://www.craftserver.com/forums/search.php (its changed a bit since the forums were switched over, takes a bit more digging... but they are there!)




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When I make beer soap, I avoid the lye/beer action by simmering the alcohol off the beer. I'll simmer a 12 oz. bottle down to 8 oz. or so and then add that to the soap batter. I use a water discount and then only use about 1/2 water with the lye. My 3 lb. recipe calls for about 15.5 oz. water. I use about 7.5 oz. water and 8 oz beer. My Peaks black canyon beer soap has been very popular. I have people telling me it helps with their acne. I have my teenage DD using it now. She'll be the real test with hormonal swings, etc. Hubby will only use my beer soap now. I have plenty of selection of soap bars in our shower, but he'll ask for more beer soap when his bar is gone instead of using up some of the other samples. Wish I knew of someone who brewed their own beer.

I may end having to buy a mini-keg:party: :laugh2::laugh2:

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