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On line craft show


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Pennie, I've been on the internet since 1998 and have never heard of an online craft show? Could you elaborate a little more? Also, please don't take this wrong, but I visited your website and while you have terrific looking/priced products, I didn't see any info about your company... like where you are, how to contact you, etc. I don't think you'll have much luck selling without some info about the company. People just aren't ready to buy when things like that aren't there. They want some assurance that you're legitimate, especially in today's environment.:tiptoe:

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I don't really know a lot about it it's posted under weekly sales and contest. Just wondering about them. And thanks for the input on the website i actually thought that i had my info on there i will go fix that so that it is there.

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I don't know if this is the same but when I was a direct sales consultant we had online vendor shows. Every vendor that signed up had 1/2 to talk about their products and answer questions from others in a live chat.

Basically, you introduce yourself, talk about your products, give out your website addy and then answer questions. You can also give discounts and so forth. I got a few orders this way and it drove ppl to my website. It's worth a try.

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I don't really know a lot about it it's posted under weekly sales and contest. Just wondering about them. And thanks for the input on the website i actually thought that i had my info on there i will go fix that so that it is there.

I'm glad you took it in the right light, Pennie. I would also suggest you include a phone number customers could call. Over the past 8 months, I've gotten almost as many phone orders as online orders. Customers tell me they're afraid to place orders over the internet with all the hacking that's been going on. Sometimes they also have questions before they place an order. I answer and then they place the order right away. Best of luck...:cheesy2:

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I added my info to my site if you have a chance let me know what you think thank you


Pennie, looks good...I enjoyed reading it, but, don't you have an email for your store? Something like customerservice@, or service?. I'd think twice about putting my email on a public site for the whole world to see and SPAM you. Also, when I set up mine(which is service@) I was told to set it up and insert it on the site as a jpg rather than type it in. Makes it harder for spammers to harvest automatically. I hope that makes sense. I don't understand it all, but I originally had customerservice@ that I typed it, and I got so much spam, I couldn't stand it. So I changed it to a service@ and someone set it up as a jpg for me and all the spam stopped. HTH:tiptoe:

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