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Get ready - rise in email spam

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If you haven't seen it on the news yet, at least one of the major email marketing services used by big banks, shopping networks(HSN), etc. was hacked within the past week. I received an email from HSN(haven't shopped there in years) and the bank that holds our mortgage yesterday saying their email marketing provider, Epsilon Interactive, was hacked and they got everyone's name and email address BUT no personal or financial information. Both said to expect lots of spam with links or requesting personal information. Then on TV this morning, they said Best Buy, Walmart, etc. had their sites hacked - same thing. Don't know if they use Epsilon Interactive or not, but be careful. I started getting alot more spam last week and wondered why. Now I know....:angry2:

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I've seen a very slight uptick in spam being delivered instead of being stuck in my spam box. This morning I had 3 spams. I usually don't get any.

I recently installed Ghostery addon to Firefox. Too early to tell if it's helping. It's interesting to see all the crap that's harvesting information on pretty much all websites. Especially google garbage. I hate google with a passion.

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I got the email this morning also. Can't remember who I got it from. They just said that names and emails were hacked, but not any personal or financial info. *sigh* And of course, it was for my "real" email and not my yahoo one. Grrr!

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I got the email this morning also. Can't remember who I got it from. They just said that names and emails were hacked, but not any personal or financial info. *sigh* And of course, it was for my "real" email and not my yahoo one. Grrr!

Of course...it only figures you'd use your "real" email for the bank, shopping online, etc. ... we all do. I just hope that all they got were the names and email addys, and that they can't hack into anything else.:sad2:

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Just got an email from Chase Credit Card.. That they have been hit!! :shocked2:

**Chase is letting our customers know that we have been informed by Epsilon, a vendor we use to send e-mails, that an unauthorized person outside Epsilon accessed files that included e-mail addresses of some Chase customers. We have a team at Epsilon investigating and we are confident that the information that was retrieved included some Chase customer e-mail addresses, but did not include any customer account or financial information. Based on everything we know, your accounts and confidential information remain secure. As always, we are advising our customers of everything we know as we know it, and will keep you informed on what impact, if any, this will have on you.

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I just went into my email account and there are 11 ... 11!? Some are the same email, sent multiple times. I wish someone could be smart enough to write a program that if you get spam mail, something is triggered in your system showing this was not initiated by anything you've done on your computer, therefore it's spam and is automatically sent back to the originator with a virus attached. :yay:

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I just received an email from Target letting me know about this. I ordered one thing from them for a Christmas gift about 2 years ago...couldn't find it in their store and it was something my grandson desperately wanted.

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I just received an email from Target letting me know about this. I ordered one thing from them for a Christmas gift about 2 years ago...couldn't find it in their store and it was something my grandson desperately wanted.

Something that scares me alittle about this is it's happening around tax return time. They just had a piece about taxes on tv. Three scams:

1) Fake tax return companies that file for you online, but steal your return(showed a MA man that was arrested for doing this and stealing $200,000 in tax returns from people).

2)Scammers stealing young children and babies SS#s and using them on their own returns for more deductions. One poor guy's 5 year old daughter has had hers stolen 5 times already, and now if he puts her on his tax return, his tax return gets rejected!!:mad:

3)The scam pertinent to this thread: emails from the IRS, requesting information. Many people see an official looking email from the IRS and get so intimidated, they forget security and follow emailed instructions...

ABC stated that after checking with the IRS, they will never email you, nor call you, unless you've received a letter from them first with a code and a phone number to call. What next?:confused::tiptoe:

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Just got an email from Target as well.

Target’s email service provider, Epsilon, recently informed us that their data system was exposed to unauthorized entry. As a result, your email address may have been accessed by an unauthorized party. Epsilon took immediate action to close the vulnerability and notified law enforcement.

While no personally identifiable information, such as names and credit card information, was involved, we felt it was important to let you know that your email may have been compromised. Target would never ask for personal or financial information through email.

Consider these tips to help protect your personal information online:

Don’t provide sensitive information through email. Regular email is not a secure method to transmit personal information.

Don’t provide sensitive information outside of a secure website. Legitimate companies will not attempt to collect personal information outside a secure website. If you are concerned, contact the organization represented in the email.

Don’t open emails from senders you don’t know.

We sincerely regret that this incident occurred. Target takes information protection very seriously and will continue to work to ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to protect personal information. Please contact Guest.Relations@target.com should you have any additional questions.


Bonnie Gross

Vice President, Marketing and Guest Engagement

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What can we as consumers do, aside from not clicking on any links in email?

Do we delete our accounts? Change email address on that account? Change passwords?

Is there really anything that would help?

I don't know if there's anything recommended but the not clicking on links or replying with sensitive info, but I went into all my accounts that involve sensitive info(paypal, bank, etc.) and changed my passwords - a different one for each one. I didn't use names/parts of names that refer to people/pets/addresses, etc. I don't know if there's much else we can do at this point. Oh, one thing that I think is really helpful...make sure your security program has site authentication and antiphishing, and keep the updates updated.

Edited by Bernadette
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