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Shipping Soap and Etsy


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For those of you that sell soap on etsy, how are you shipping it if someone buys only one bar of soap. I noticed most sellers have shipping listed at $2 for a bar of soap and yet some of them have them packaged in fancy boxes so I would think bubble envelopes would be out of the question. :confused:

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Probable so they just may not be on this weekend. You can get some pretty small boxes from Paper Mart and other on line places that make shipping first class easy and still cheap.

It is also possible they are using bubble envelopes you add some additional bubble wrap around then and you would be amazed what can ship in them safely.

Edited by Vicky_CO
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I charge 2.20, and that is one bar shipping in a kraft paper envelope with delivery confirmation- never once had an issue and I've shipped hundreds.

The way I figure it is I COULD buy bubble mailers.. but its overkill. Its a waste to the enviroment and my customers. If one out of every 100 bars of soap got destroyed (which hasnt happened) it would still not be worth the waste bubble mailers cause.

I can actually ship two bars in the envelopes (I think they are 4x6?) for around 3.20.

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My soap ALWAYS was damaged in an envelope. ALWAYS. To prevent the damage, I needed to wrap the soap a lot. The excessive wrapping made the package extra thick and a surcharge per package was added when shipped first class mail. This made the postage even more. Besides, how much can you really charge for postage when shipping a single 5 oz bar of soap first class mail? Bubble mailers are the way to go for me. When I say "bubble", I should clarify that I mean "padded". There is nothing environmentally unfriendly with what I use to ship. On another note, I sell very few single bars of soap overall. Most customers see the price savings from one bar of soap to two bars, and purchase more. Two bars go in a small flat priority box.

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my soaps are either boxed, or wrapped in paper- then the invoice is folded and the bars are set into the invoice, so I suppose thats a small layer of protection.

Again, I've sent hundreds of bars this way, etsy and otherwise, and only had one bar arrive damaged.

It was only damaged because the carrier left it on their deck in the rain. padded envelope wouldnt have made a difference in that case, they said it was soaked. Soap was fine, just wet.

edited to add I've also had bars in this packaging make it to singapore, all over canada, australia, UK, and india 100% OK.

Edited by LuminousBoutique
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