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A different "holiday"


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Not sure why this appealing to me, but March seems to be all about St Patty's day.

Here is a little unknown "holiday" that I think all of us can appreciate :)

March 29th is National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day. A little quirky, but who knows maybe something different for March to tell our faithfuls about this month. :cheesy2:


Edited by brudil18
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You know...this is a little off topic...but ABC World New Tonite is doing a series that started Monday, where they wanted to find out how many things in your home are "made in America". So they went to this family in Texas, sent the mom, dad, and two kids out for awhile, went thru the house, and removed everything that wasn't made in America.

Last night they showed the family coming home to a virtually empty house! The only thing left in the kitchen was the kitchen sink. :shocked2: That was made in America. The oven, fridge, microwave, coffee maker, all appliances, dishes, silverware - gone! All furniture, rugs, lamps, clothes, toys, etc. were gone. Even their dog's bed!

Then they brought in a smart shopper and between her and the mom, it took them 2 hours on the phone just to find a made in America couch! Tonite's sequence will be interesting because they ended by showing the trucks coming to unload American made products. They are trying to replace everything with made in America. They went to The Container Store, where they spoke with a clerk that couldn't remember the last time anyone asked if something was made in America, and only 1/3 of what they stock is.

Anyway, they repeated several times that if everyone in America spent $64.00 on American made, that right now that would create 200,000 American jobs immediately!:yay: It could be a good marketing point for us too...

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This is interesting. My Husband and I always used to look for Made in America.Never brought unless it was.we got out of it(NEVER LOOK).BUT the other day we were looking AT tomatoes.all were grown in Mexico.He feels a little leery with all things going on there and what do they use to grow them.He decided to try but not sure we will buy from that store again.At least not produce.If tomatoes came from there I am sure other produce also is grown in Mexico.

I am not surprised about that house being Non American


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