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Need help with whipped butter


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Last night I tried my first ever whipped butter. How fun is that??? LOVED it!!!! :yay: So anyways, it didn't turn out quite how I wanted. My son has dry skin issues so this is what I made:

Mango butter - 60%

Shea butter - 20 %

Argan oil - 6%

Borage oil - 6%

Hemp oil - 6%

Vit E - 1%

FO - 1%

I melted my mango added the shea and let it soften a bit, than added everything else and whipped it with my hand beater. It felt like crisco, and literally melted in seconds when I touched it. Than after letting it sit overnight it's not smooth and creamy, it's like chunky. I have to dig my finger in it to get out any and it comes out in chunks. Not what i had in mind! LOL What did i do wrong? Is an 80 butter to 20 oil not enough oils? Can I remelt it down and add more oils and rewhip? I'm not worried about how greasy it feels as it's just for my son's skin. But eventually I do want to make a less greasy one. The oils I have are:








sweet almond.

Anyone have any pointers they can give me?

thanks! :)


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You can add more oils for sure. Do you have a stand mixer? You can whip your recipe while it cools, alternate cooling and whipping, that keeps it more fluffy.. to do that I melt my butters until they are soft like butter, then add my oils warm, at about 100*, whip in my stand mixer, and pop it in the fridge for about an hour. Whip again, let sit at room temp and whip every 30 min or so until its coolef (room temp) and it should be nice and fluffy. Even my unrefined shea butter will stay fluffy if it goes through that process.

I'd start with adding maybe 5% more oils, because you dont want to overdo it.

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How long did you whip it? The longer you whip, the softer it can get. I haven't used Mango butter before but if it is hard like Cocoa butter then you need to add more oils to soften your mixture. Coconut oil is good and I think it helps the mixture stay somewhat on the softer side than getting all hard.

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Mango butter is not nearly as hard as cocoa butter- mine isn't anyway. But it is hard. Have you thought of flipping the percentages of shea and mango around? I find a little bit of mango butter goes a long way.

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Honestly, I don't think I whipped it long enough. I remelted it, added 5% jojoba and rewhipped it. It got softer, but still pretty hard. Mango is a pretty soft butter, not as soft as shea, but not as hard as cocoa. Oh well, it's just for home so I'm leaving it as is. I did make another butter with just whipped mango, FCO, hemp oil and cornstarch. This time I whipped a bit, let it set, whipped bit more, let it set. This turned out nice and creamy! Wasn't very whippy, as the 4oz of ingredients fit into a 4 oz jar. But that's ok, it still stayed soft and creamy!

I was hoping by using mango, dryer oils, and cornstarch it would cut out most of the greasiness out, but it's still pretty greasy. I was trying to make one for a friend who has terribly dry hands, uses natural products, and HATES greasy... Don't think she'll like this one. I think she's going to just have to deal with her dry cracked hands because she won't compromise on a bit of greasiness for about 10 mins. LOL

Thanks for your help!


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I agree with flipping your shea and mango ratios. Mango butter contains a lot of stearic acid, and while not as firm as cocoa butter it also does not melt into skin as well. It tends to lend quite a bit of viscosity. I vote for 60% shea and 10-20% mango.

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Thanks for the mango tips. I guess I was going for a less greasy feel, which is why I opted for the mango over the shea as the higher amount. I was kind of following the recipe for the whipped mango from swift's recipe. I still have lots of butter left to play around with! :yay:


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