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Lip Scrub Recipe?


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I make one. I make my regular lip balm and add the extra fine sugar to it. Don't add to much or it will be harsh. If the balm is too hot it does sink to the bottom so it has to be on put in after it cools a little but still can be poured in to a tube. Some does dissolve as you add it like it does in a scrub would but add only a little at a time until you get the amount you like in it. I only make 4 or 5 tubes at a time of it as it doesn't sell great but I have a few regulars who buy it. I do not add flavoring to it. I would start with 1/4 teaspoon to 1 oz of balm and see how you like it, if you will probably have to use more but it is a starting point for you.

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