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Questions: Home Partayyyy!!


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Thanks Maggie! So how often do you hold these open houses? I did think about collaborating with my friend who is a Mary Kay rep and another friend who is a passion party consultant but now it doesn't sound like a good idea. I was skeptical anyway because I do want ALL ATTENTION on my candles Lol.. Maybe I'll try it once and see how it goes though.

I do like the idea of these open houses more and more. But do any of you who have them notice less people actually show up because they don't have a set time... just a time frame which could slip their mind?

I just have the one in December...usually the first weekend. You are thinking right about only you. I mean you COULD try it with the other consultants/reps but...when there were 4 people at Joyce's house one person was slighted...Weekender clothing. Nice clothes but it is very expensive IMO. She had 2 sales in 2 days...Joyce and myself. People were looking but not buying. And like I said...I do a LOT better now that I have it at my house. People are coming to buy candles ONLY. If they don't want or need candles they don't attend.

Since it is an open house I don't ask them to RSVP. But for some reason most people have called me if they can't attend. Most will place an order though.

I've done 3 home parties. Well...the one wasn't in her home. My next door neighbor is a teacher and we set up my display in the teacher's lounge for a week. It was not cash and carry...strictly orders. That paid off big time for me. The other 2 were cash and carry OR orders. I did well with both of those also.

I think it is something you will probably have to experiment with and see what works best for you. Like I said...spring open houses did okay but not enough for me to continue doing it. Christmas...fantastic!

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Good Luck with your home party!

I do home parties with my products all the time. Here are a few tips that I picked up along the way.

1. My parties are all cash and carry. It is a pain to haul and set up but I make more money that way. Since you will be your own hostess, this will be easy for you! I have found that people like to walk away with their purchases! They buy what the really want and not what they feel obligated to.

2. Since you will be your own hostess, you will be inviting your friends and family. Serving wine will not be an issue unless you have friends and family who get completely out of control and my guess is that you would not be inviting them anyway. I find that when a glass is in the hand, people are more likely to stay and buy more. But that is a non-scientific observation.

3. Encourage others to have home parties! It opens up a new network for your product. I always have a "hostess basket" prepared. It has a small selection of "goodies." I have it made up to an "ooh aah" level. During your "presentation part" of the event, show it to your attendees and let them know that this is the hostess gift! Anyone who books a party that evening will be presented a basket just like this one at THEIR party. If any one books a party (and one or two usually do), let them select their fragrances from what you have on hand at that party and make a note of it. DO NOT give it to them at the time of booking because they may cancel out. I do a "ooh aah" presentation to the hostess at her party. That usually gets others to book too. It is usually worth the cost of the basket of goodies because people who come to parties come to buy.

4. I don't do games either. I am just not one of those game type people. If the hostess requests games because her friends are, I give her the option to be the game leader. If she does, I work with her briefly before the party begins to go over the games. I do a "guess the fragrance," "how many tealights," for example.

5. Finally, you don't have to go crazy with food. Snack-type, finger food is usually what everyone goes for. I would look for a few unique dips and unique chips. I try to go off the beaten path so that the next party is a "must attend" for many reasons.

Good Luck and please let us know how it turns out!

I am so happy I found this board!

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