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Just screamed at my wick...

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I decided to try a cotton coreless wick in my soy. I bought three sizes (i'm too mad to go find them and list them...i may throw them out the window into the snow..:angry2:.) I made my candles as usual only put these in there to see. They ALL puttered out! I usually use paper core (soy wax GW464) and they always stand up to testing and have a beautiful pool.

Are cotton coreless THAT much different??? I tried them in an 8% FO with no dye, 8oz square mason. I didn't really like the kind of shrooming I'd get with the paper and I feel less FO doesn't throw well with this scent (creme brulee from Candles and Supplies) Nice cold, but it putters out quick while burning if it's at 6% (where I started testing, nailed it with 8 and the paper) :confused:

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From your post, I take it that you upped the FO and used a different wick because you did not like the scent throw previously. Did you allow the candles to cure before testing? Cream Brulee is usually a very good thrower for me (from a different source) at 1 oz. PP in C3 using CD or CDN wicks (coreless, flat braid).

If you need help, let us know what size & type of wick and perhaps we can make some suggestions...

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I have been testing the CD's in that jar for many months- I am having a hard time deciding between the 12 and 14 in alot of different fragrances- I also use 8% FO with straight 464 and I love the scent throw and how little these wicks mushroom- The 12's I get a little hang up in the corners and sometimes the flame gets weak but when I up it to the 14 everything is beautiful and perfect but I am not totally comfortable with how hot the jar can get- on some not all!

I would give the CD a try and definitely the 12 and 14 to start- all 10's have extinguished themselves so far! I have been doing alot of screaming at my wicks as well!!:cheesy2:

Eco's for some reason get a huge mushroom for me and the wax turns a really dark yellow?? not sure what is up with that and I have tried the htp's the biggest one being the 105 and it is okay- very slow start with alot of hangup but when it gets to the bottom of the jar it is perfect....go figure this is insane!

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From your post, I take it that you upped the FO and used a different wick because you did not like the scent throw previously. Did you allow the candles to cure before testing? Cream Brulee is usually a very good thrower for me (from a different source) at 1 oz. PP in C3 using CD or CDN wicks (coreless, flat braid).

If you need help, let us know what size & type of wick and perhaps we can make some suggestions...


Are the CDN very similar to the CD? This is one wick I have not tried and wonder if maybe it will give me the qualities of the CD that I love and help eliminate the hangup so I dont have to use a 14 and worry about the jar exploding!!LOL

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I had upped the FO but had tested it with my papercore 51-32-18 and it was a little weaker flame but full melt pool and has done beautifully. I've been letting them set a minimum of 48 hours (first 24 in cooling in room temp, second 24 they are moved to my storage which is a slightly cooler area.) I was using a 8,10, and 12. I was pretty sure I was being silly using an 8. I will redo the 12 and do a 14 and see how it goes. The square jars are squat so maye it won't get as hot? Oh and they are the German LX coreless. Best part was (as I hoped) they didn't seem to have that stinky burnt smell after they went out! the paper seem to put off an odor

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Are the CDN very similar to the CD?

Over and over and over again... READ what the wick distributors and manufacturers say about their wicks (quoted and requoted here in the threads)!

CDs and CDNs are IDENTICAL EXCEPT for the treatment applied to CDNs to resist the oxidation caused by acids in veggie wax candles.

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Really??? I have read over and over and over again thank you - manufacturers can say whatever the hell they want about their product and for someone like me that doesnt understand the "science" behind the manufacturing of a wick I simply thought asking someone who says they use and experienced BOTH if they were similar or not.

I asked a simple question and the snarky remark was really not necessary

Thank you for the information

and if there was a lottery on who has read the most on this forum I would be in the running- I READ EVERYTHING but I must of missed the specifics on these two wicks

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Moonshine, The CD wicks are easier to buy in most all the sizes than the CDN's. I used the CDN's in Palm wax (GG) and the CD's in Soy. JBN was I think the only place to get, if I'm remembering correctly CDN8-20 in smaller quanity unless you want to buy in huge quanity. It appears as though they have since gone out of business, so I will stick with CD's. Hope that helps. There was a thread that explained the difference, but I can't remember where. It is alot to absorb. Probably type in CD's verses CDN's in the search. I know there has been alot of discussion on the subject.

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"Wicking information resources for newbies" is the thread. It's just above this one somebody just posted on it.

Stella did go out of her way to do this thread, that's probably why she's a little testy. It is very informational. I'm sure her bark is worse than her bite :laugh2:right Stella.

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Thank you Soy! I did miss that thread and I cant imagine how- I go on here everyday and read all the new ones and yes it all starts to jumble together and I forget what I read sometimes- But thank you for the information!! I am going to read on that thread now!:smiley2:

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