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Getting back into soap making


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Hi. I was here a while back, and made a couple of batches of soap that everyone in my neighborhood is still raving about. I have recently gotten the urge to try some more. I have forgotten alot of the minor details, so have been reading for the last few days everything I could find. Got the oils I could find locally, and ordered a few I wanted, but couldn't find around here. I was also lucky enough to find the same brand of lye talked about on the Millersoap site. I dug around some and found my old post with the recipe I used, and am going to try to tweak it a bit because I felt it was too slimy, which I believe was from high Olive oil. (Am I right about this?)

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone could or would give me any advice about this recipe:

Olive 12.5%

Avocado 25%

Castor 12.5%

Walmart Shortening 25%

Coconut 25%

Water 18.24 ozs. Lye 6.73 ozs.

I ran it through soap calc, and their numbers look pretty good to me, but I know that doesn't necessarily mean it's good. I'd appreciate it if anyone could steer me away from any oil if it's not good.



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My thoughts on the recipe are Castor at that amount may make your soap sticky and it makes the soap softer, I would suggest 5%. Also avocado is high I would stay below 10% it also makes the soap softer especially with that much Castor. I don't know which Shortening you bought at walmart as there is a few types. You are correct about the Olive oil will make a soap slimey, you have to let it cure longer with high amounts. I use up to 30% with an 6 week cure and deep water discount, I found it not to be bad at all. But it is a personal preference. Try your recipe and see if you like it is my best suggestion.

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looks very soft, but nice and gentle. i'd probably cut the castor down to 5%, though, and make up the difference in olive oil. i don't find that olive oil at that level generates a slimy soap (at 90%, yes - at 12.5% or even 20%, no).

i haven't worked with avocado for ages, so cannot speak to that.

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