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Anyone have opinions on One Stop Candle FO?

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I have been making candles for about a year,I have gotten FO from so many companies.I am pleased with some and not so pleased with others.Like many others I have spent so much money on FO,wax and shipping charges to get a nice quality candle. One Stop Candle from NY has a guarantee on their FO which most companies do not.Anyone have personal experience with this company?Ive tried to research them but cant find much on them.Thanks in advance!

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Interesting.....a guarantee! I've never used them but oh the money felt like it was running through my fingers when trying to find my fave fo suppliers. How is their pricing in comparison?

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I just checked out their site and they do have a money back guarantee on their FO's. The pricing is comparable to other sites AND they have a customer rewards program. If you spend $500 a year then you are in tier 4 pricing and get 15% off your orders. Think I'm gonna try a small order.

Edited by Shewill5
I just checked out their site....should have prior to posting.
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