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light oil that doesn't interfere with scent?


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i know it also depends on the FO/EO, but what light oil changes scent the least and which oils seem to affect scent the most? i have a great angel dupe that's dead on in CPHP but different in a cream formula i made.

i searched but didn't have much luck. any suggestions would be appreciated.


Edited by dogmom1
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I'm not precisely sure what you are asking but jojoba has been the standard carrier oil I've used in the past to top off perfume oil blends.

Were you using coconut with Angel? Coconut is one of the scents in the angel mix so I could see how that could bring out those notes a little and alter the scent.

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I've always found that lotions, no matter what brand or made by who, do not smell exactly the same as the body spray or perfume version by the same maker. What it is I don't know, but it seems to be something difficult to achieve in a lotion type/ cream formula.

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So I was randomly thinking about this today and I have a theory. . . .

Disclaimer 1: this is theoretical. I have never made a lotion. If my theory is off base please tell me because someday I may want to try making one.

Disclaimer 2: I am quite familiar with Angel, but really only in so much as I like to wear it and have used it as an inspirational fragrance. My assumptions may be colored by the way my body chemestry takes fragrance

So the comment was that Angel always changes in lotion. If this is the case the question should maybe be what will interact best with the scent. Now thinking of Angel I think of sweet vanillas and patchouli that doesn't smell like hippy patchouli because it goes phenominally well with the chocolate. The vanilla (which is really vanilla, coconut and some other creamy scents) and patchouli are strong notes that could be thrown off balance easily so we don't want to accidently strengthen either of them. The chocolate, however, I think could handle a little more intensty without taking over.

So what if you used coco butter for your creamy part? As far as the oil maybe something nutty? Almond, Walnut, hemp? My theory is that there should be scents that will blend into the background of the fragrance and be supportive without detracting.

Edited by cedar_lea
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thanks blazerina and cedar_lea. i don't know it your theory is right cedar_lea, but i kinda like it!

i wonder if anyone else will red it and comment, one of the more experienced people on here.

i do find with my andel cream that after a while it smells a lot closer to the real thing. everyone who comments always thinks it's angel and i gave some to a friend who also loves angel and she said the same thing.

that being said, i have some natural cocoa butter and might just give it a try.

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Let me know how it does! I'm really new to this (before I just went down to the local essential oil shop and mixed up scents and put them in whatever product was available) and my head keeps spinning with what ifs! Some of them are good, some (I'll just throw these candles in the oven to remelt) not so much.

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