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Frosting on soy candles

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I've been testing soy blends in containers, and have found that for some reason, pouring hot gives me no frosting or wet spots. I have tried several colors (and no dye) and found that the same blend will not frost when poured hot, but frost to some extent when poured cooler. I have not poured an FO with cinnamon yet. I have several that are almost a month old and still no frosting, very strange, as I had thought pouring cool was the way to go. Of course, for the majority, hot pour needs the tops retouched more so than the cool pour, but that makes sense to me. BTW, the blends have contained GB464, GB444, CB135, GB115, C-3, and 4630 (paraffin). Of course, not all together, LOL.



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There is TONS of previous discussion about preventing frosting available by searching the forums for your wax. FOs and dye both play their part in causing or exacerbating frosting. Some people pour very cool with great results; others pour hot. Some people temper their wax; others don't. Some folks don't dye their candles; some eliminate FO. Some add certain additives; others don't. Some soy waxes are more prone to frosting than others. Some people "embrace" the frosting; others give up and switch to a parasoy blend. Some folks preheat their glassware; others don't. Some folks prewash their glasswre; others don't... For every person's personal solution, there is another who says they tried that and it didn't work or they have no frosting issues.

You simply have to read, take careful notes on what you are doing when melting/pouring, note the FO/supplier, dye & amount and figure out what works best for you. Good luck! :)

Edited by Stella1952
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