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415 issues

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Actually, I have just one issue with it: HT.

I made 2 candles, used no dyes.

Heated the GB415 to approx. 185, added 1.3oz of Wildberry Mousse (C. science), stirred, poured around 110.

Used a CD14 in an 8oz. jelly jar and a CD16 in a straight Libby tumber with a diameter of 3.125". I let them cure 3 days. No hot throw.

Should I let them cure longer? Should I use a different type of wick or a different size? TIA

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415 usually has a good throw...

CD14 in an 8oz. jelly jar

That seems like a mighty big wick for a JJ... Have you tried a smaller wick? I don't use 415 now, but from my notes, I used a CDN 10 in an 8 oz. JJ and it threw well...

As a point of comparison, I use a CDN 14 in an 8 oz. widemouth mason jar (3" inside diameter) with NatureWax C3... HTH :)

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Stell, I used the CD14 'cause I read that someone had very good results with it. It did seem too big, but then I read that soy waxes need larger wicks than paraffins...

IWantItGreen and Soy327, I will go down a few sizes and let them cure for another week or two.

What about the 11oz. tumbler with the CD16? Do you think the wick is right? (diameter is 3.125", bought the tumbler from Lone Star).

Ok, now I just need patience and wait... but you do know how difficult that is, right? :rolleyes2

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Stell, I used the CD14 'cause I read that someone had very good results with it. It did seem too big, but then I read that soy waxes need larger wicks than paraffins...

IWantItGreen and Soy327, I will go down a few sizes and let them cure for another week or two.

What about the 11oz. tumbler with the CD16? Do you think the wick is right? (diameter is 3.125", bought the tumbler from Lone Star).

Ok, now I just need patience and wait... but you do know how difficult that is, right? :rolleyes2

I would keep the 16 in the tumbler and cure for 1 week. Right now all of a sudden I am running into HT problems myself, so I'm focusing on cure time and maybe a shot of eggnog to get me through it:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:Candle nose:confused:

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I use CD 12 & 14 in 8oz JJ's with 415 . Anything smaller drowns out on me. I get excellent throw and melt pool.

Keep playing around with wick/FO load. You shouldn't have to wait more than 2 days to get a good hot throw.

If mine don't throw in 48 hours, I ditch that oil..

My customers don't want to wait a week or two for their candles to cure before they can burn them. There are plenty of oils that will throw in 2 days. :cheesy2:

And as soy327 said - could be candle nose.. Have someone else test for you and try moving the candle to a smaller room to test.

If that does not work - ditch the oil and move on to a new oil.

Edited by islandgirl
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  • 3 weeks later...

I use the ezsoy which I understand is the same exact wax as 415, I heat to 180..stir for at least 3 min then stir again before I pour,and I let mine cure at least 10 days before I sell them.I also know that the f/o you use in this was is a big play, I ordered many types from one supplier & threw nothing, order from another and most were awesome! I have a lemon bunt cake burning now that has been sitting for 2 months since my November craft show and it is hitting the entire downstairs in a 8oz candle which is a bedroom,bar room, laundry room & a great room! I couldnt believe it! Im seeing that cure time is crucial and waiting 10 days is the key mark for me before burning. Also in my years of working with this wax I have learned that a wick to large like the others said burn through the scent if it to big, in my 8oz i use a CD 10 or 12 depending on if its a wick upper HTH :smiley2:

Edited by aprillynn
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