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fragrance oil storage

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Can FO be stored where it will freeze? I have quite a few older oils and I want to keep them, but today I decided to dump one I didn't like in the burn barrel with some paper and cardboard. It burned really , really hot and fast. I can just imagine the whole house going up. But, we do live in the north and I don't have a heated storage area. So just wondered if anyone could tell me if freezing would actually hurt the oil for later use. TIA. Beth

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I had one oil get delivered to me last year and when I took it out of the box it was frozen, not all the way but lots of crystals were formed. I called the company and they said it should be fine if I warmed it slightly but it did not work. The oil was no longer frozen but it formed a "wall" of solid crystals all around the jug. I still have that oil just for kicks and it NEVER went back to it's liquid state. The supplier said it may have been because there was a high percentage of vanilla in it, it's always the vanillas fault! LOL

BTW the scent was coconut vanilla

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