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Candle Fires


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I was curious how often people have losses due to candle fires and under what circumstances.

Here's an interesting article from Maine. Someone left a Yankee Candle on a wood stove and the heat boiled the wax over and it caught fire. Wood stoves and candles don't mix.

"Firefighters on scene said that despite the smoke, the house "smelled nice" inside."

Maybe we can post some one liners here in this thread and keep an eye out for what folks are doing?


Edited by EricofAZ
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In August, KTNV(Ch. 13) said that one of the top five house fire starts in Las Vegas is unattended candles. They went on to further explain that by unattended they not only meant lit candles in a vacant room, but candles let burning too long, and candles placed too close to combustible objects.:tiptoe:

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