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some salt bar questions


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I have been doing a lot of research on making salt bars since my neighbor wants a srubby soap. There are just a few things that I just cannot find and was wondering if you could help me out.

1. Can iodize table salt be used. I read that dead sea salts and epsom salt cannot be used because of the minerals so didn't know if the iodine in that salt would interfere with the soap.

2. Can you make it using cphp or is it going to harden too quickly.

3. Do you use the same amount of fo as you would in a normal bar of soap, or do you need more/less.

I was going to do 100% co since it sounds like that still makes a nice bar at 20% superfat and I don't want to deal with the oils going rancid with that much superfat.

Thanks a bundle (and sorry if this info is really somewhere. I seem to be search challenged at times :))

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you want non-iodonized table salt, you can find it right next to the regular kind

Actually, I make it CPHP... I make the soap CP, stir in my salt at thin trace (it gets thick FAST) then put it into my oven, heated to around 170.. turn the oven off... and it gels very rapidly, ready to cut in 4 hours.

I use the same amount FO as everything else :) Be aware of FO's that accellerate, heat up, or applesauce though.

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Thanks for your quick response. I just want to make sure we are talking the same cphp. I was wondering about crockpot hp.

I will go to the store to pick up the other kind of salt.

Thanks for letting me know about it not really being scrubby. She asked for a scrubby soap with salt... so I thought the salt made it scrubby:). Maybe she knows that already and just calls it a scrubby. I'll make up a batch and let her test it for me (after I test it for safety and feely goods obviously :))

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After a few uses the salt bars become very smooth. No scrubbies in my opinion. Anyway, I make mine with 90% coconut oil and 10% castor oil and with goat milk. I love my salt bars. They are my all time favorite soap. Uniodized oplain salt from Wal-Mart. The cheapest they carry.

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