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Homeopathic candles?

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Well, I was visiting relatives over the weekend and talking candles. My sister-in-law was telling me about someone (out of state from us) that makes candles and for health reasons or whatever, makes "homeopathic" candles. I asked her if they meant all natural or what and she said she wasn't sure. So my question is, has anyone heard the term homeopathic when it comes to candles and what does that translate to? I am curious.



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Just did a quick Bing search and came up with this link: http://www.longlifeunlimited.com/product.sc;jsessionid=8D25C241E4ABFBAAECDB2D0AEA73012D.qscstrfrnt04?productId=278&categoryId=28

Looks like these particular "homeopathic" candles are beeswax for ear candling. Didn't find anything else using that search engine.

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Sounds like my blood pressure candle. Ylang Ylang, Bulgarian Lavender, and Clary Sage with a few drops of Lemon and Orange. And since I burn it in the evening after work, some Valerian Root. All pure genuine EO's. Seems to be best in GG Palm.

Edit: I think it is pretty common knowledge that aromatherapy candles are generally FO's not EO's (given the price) so a name change to reflect real EO's is about time. Not sure if that is what you are seeing, but I probably won't release any EO candles as "aromatherapy" given the high rate of abuse.

Edited by EricofAZ
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Well, keep in mind that EO's are expensive, even wholesale. My BP candle with one ounce of the swill above costs about $10 just for the EO and if I use anything like chamomile or some other more exotic EO's, the price shoots up into the high double digits.

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