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Looking for FO temp advice

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I'm a newbie, and i've had some success using the methods i was told but in other cases i've had problems

i was told ..

Heat wax to about 180 (using Cb Avanced) let cool to 170

Add FO at 170 stir then pour into container.

My containers look wonderful with no spots/frosting

However some of my fragrances don't always work

for instance last night i had a sample of a Coffee FO .. when i added it to the wax and poured my garage (where i work) smelled GREAT for 3 or 4 hours after and i was really looking forward to burning the candle.. however this morning when i smelled the candle dry (unlit) it barely smelled of anything .. then lit the same thing very poor.

so my thought is maybe i burned off all the FO last night.. so am i adding the FO at too high a temp .. should i try it lower ..

What temps do you guys add FO to CB advanced at ??

Thanks in advance !:yay:

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Do a search on your wax and read what other people say. I don't use your wax but from what I've read, it looks good in the jar but cold and hot throw aren't great for a lot of fo's. It also needs to cure for quite a while, maybe a week or more. I use cb135 and it can have more frosting issues but it has great cold and hot throw for me. I use a little beeswax for smoother tops.

Edited by scentlady
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Also, you might want to check to see if your fragrance oils have good soy ratings (or work with soy well). I mainly use Candle Science fragrance oils and they have a three-rate soy rating process (three being the best). I know that their coffee scent is only a two (I believe). With that being said, it could be an issue with the soy rating, the wax you are using, or the cure time. I heat the wax and add the fo at the same temp you do and I've have pretty good luck. I use GB 464 soy wax.

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With soy you need to have patience ... there is a cure time that can take a couple of days to a couple of weeks. I don't know if it varies with the type of wax ... but I do know with my soy it varies from FO to FO.

Let that candle sit and try lighting it again next week. And another thing you may want to consider is dreaded "candle nose". Certain fragrances can affect your sense of smell. With me it's cinnamon; can't smell anything after working with that for a day or so.

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Coffee fragrances are notorious "pallet cleaners" meaning they are so strong they wipe out all other scents. Like Judy said, if you were sniffing away at a candle FO for a while in hot wax you might not smell it again as strongly for a while, especially a coffe FO. Clove does it for me, if a FO has alot of clove in it - I won't be able to smell that element for days! Also in my soy coffee and vanilla scents usually require a cure time of about 4 days - I would cap 'em and try them after an adequate cure time. I have poured at least 10 different coffee scents for testing or selling in ten years and I never had an issue with them not throwing in my wax.

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