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I'm not sure what that jar looks like. Is it the interlude from Libbey? If so I would try a cd16 1st I have had success with that combo. You might have hangup at 1st but it will melt as it burns down.


I think my jar was a 8oz though, can you send a picture?

Edited by soy327
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Hi, I am going to try to post a pic. never have done this. If not my jar kind of looks like the interlude but it is called shell, hourglass. It is 6.3oz. When I was test ing the 464 alone some of the wicks that were working were cd 10,12,14. With my essential oils which I had to put in lower percentage, because to much made the wax spongy. With essential oils I used cd 14 & cd16. The only thing is that with my currentl wicks, when I blow out a candle it only smokes maybe 10 seconds, but with this 464, I am getting smoking up to 60 seconds. Are you using standard wick wax or HM wick wax? I am going to try to post a pic. This will be my wax that I currenly use. Thanks


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Yes, I live in GA. I always use stabillo wicks with the standard wick coating. One day I accidently order the same wicks but with a HM wick wax, was sure what the difference was and I noticed them to mushroom more and not burn as hot. That is the difference. It should state which wax is on the wick on the label. It was a very difficult jar to wick, but after months of testing we perfectedit. Now our wax has almost doubled in price and I pay expensive freight. So I am trying to find another wax that is more local to me. I've tried the excel by itself, but It soots on the top of the jar and i did not get a good scent throw. I use high quality oils at 5-6%. I've tried the enchanted millenuim wax, 444, c3 and so far the easiest to work with is the 464. Just got to work on the scent throw and the wick sizing. I am going to try the 75/25 like you said. How long do you think I should wait to cure?

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Depends on the Fragrance. I like to let all my candles cure for at least a week OCD:laugh2:When I started out 2 yrs ago do you think that happened NOT:laugh2:You are using EO and I'm not soooo I don't know. Where did you get those jars they are really cute? If you don't mind me asking.

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Hi soy327, Do you had CO to every scent? If you do, do you really smell a big difference? I really don't like to add extra things to the formula, because it an extra cost added to the candle, but if you noticed a substantal difference, then maybe I would try it.

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