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MAP - Minimum Advertised Price Help

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Anyone have any experience using a supplier who has a MAP? From what I understand after reading a little bit about MAP, is that it is only the required advertised price. So as long as I don't advertised a lower than MAP price I am ok? Say MAP is 15.99, can I sell an item at 15.99 and offer 10% in store sale and still be ok? Or would this be a breach of contract? Or can I have an end of season 50% off sale on certain items that have a MAP? I don't want to sell at the lower than map prices all the time, but I do want the option to get rid of some old inventory that has been sitting for a while, and obviously the MAP price just isn't working. I am doing a craft show in a couple of weeks and I just would like to offer a couple things at discount so I get git rid of them. Sorry for the long post, and thanks again for everyone's help!!!

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