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question about oils


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I couldn't find this in my quick search this afternoon and this was something I didn't think about when I was doing my extensive research, so sorry if this is actually mentioned somewhere.

I was price checking oils in my local stores this morning. The place with the best price on oils listed in the ingrediants that it contains citric acid as a preservative. I didn't see it listed on the bottles from the other stores. Can I use these oils for soaping or is that citric acid bad for soap?

Secondly, some recipes I found said to use crisco. The off brand crisco ingrediants were soybean and cottonseed oil where as the crisco was soybean and palm oil. If I used the off brand crisco, is that going to throw off soap calc's lye numbers? I'm sure it would throw off the qualities numbers, but I'm not as concerned about that as the lye number.

Thanks in advance

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Soapcalc gives you two crisco options ... one with palm, so formulate with whatever one you have if you're using that oil.

What oil has citric as a preservative? I've gone through mine and I don't see it listed in the ingredients ... could it be possible that it's grapefruit seed extract and not citric?

I personally don't think it's going to hurt anything, but I'm guessing.

Edited by Scented
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Are you talking about those giant jugs of liquid shortening and oils from costco? I've noticed those have citric before as well.

I cant see it being an issue, but interested to hear the answer from someone else!

They are giant jugs, but not from costco, they were from GFS.

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