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Newbie Question about Scent before and after


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I have made 4 batches of soap now, but I still feel like I have so many questions. I try to read as much as I can, but sometimes the search doesn't give the best results.

So, a question about scents.

I made my 4th batch today and used 3 different fragrances from 3 different companies.

1.5 oz The Green Tea - Daystar

1 oz Guava - Sweetcakes

1.5 oz Satsuma - Just Scent

I mixed all 3 of them together and then added them to the soap. Am I supposed to mix them or am I supposed to add one at a time? Also, it smelled great in the pot, but that can change right?

I have had so much fun making soap and this is my first attempt at CP. I have done 2 CPOP and 1 HP. I love the idea of the oven, but I keep getting small bubbles on the top of the soap. I have a gas oven, so the lowest setting is 200 - I try to turn it lower, but eventually it just turns off.

Does anyone else use the CPOP method with a gas oven? I would love to hear your tips if you have any!

Thanks in advance everyone!

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It doesn't matter. Whatever is convenient for you. You can make a one pound sample bar for testing purposes. There are usually threads available on most fos that you can read for other people's findings about how the fos worked in their soap. HTH.


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I mixed all 3 of them together and then added them to the soap. Am I supposed to mix them or am I supposed to add one at a time?

Either way is fine, but the blend might be more uniform if you blend first and let it sit a bit before adding to the pot.

Also, it smelled great in the pot, but that can change right?

I bet it did. Sounds yummy!

But yes, pretty much everything about soap can change; color, fragrance, texture. It takes a lot of batches before you can guess with any degree of accuracy exactly what the finished bars will end up like.

My soap oven is electric, so I'm not much help there, sorry.

Have fun!

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