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First time making body spray---some questions


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I mainly make candles and have made some lotions and lip balms in the past, but never body spray. I've been searching and found some recipes for body spray. (I'm making it for my son) I've got recipes using polysorbate 20 or cyclo. The ingredients I have on hand are: cyclo, polysorbate 20, perfumers alcohol (from Snowdrift Farms), glycerin, distilled water, and body safe fragrance oil.

The formula I'm going to use is:

80% perfumers alcohol

15& cyclo

5% fo

But, I read on Snowdrift Farms website not to use less than 20% fo when using the perfumers alcohol, so I don't know if this formula will work. Anyone know why it wouldn't work with 5% fo?

Also, I was wondering if I should use the polysorbate 20 instead of the cyclo--any advantages/disadavantages to either one? What is the main difference between them?

Any thoughts on this formula or suggestions for a better one? Thanks everybody:cheesy2:

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I found another website that says it's OK to use the perfumers alcohol for body spray, just in a higher concentration to offset the lower concentration of fragrance oil, so I gave it a whirl. The body spray turned out pretty good, once the alcohol evaporated off. Now, I need to try the oil-based version and compare.

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I make my own body spray with preserved distilled water, poly-20, glycerin and FO. I make it at 2% FO..

Cyclo is just too spendy for me to use it as a body spray, so I use that for a perfume with about 20% FO load (if it's skin safe at that amount). How does the alcohol work for you? I was thinking of getting some of that to play around a bit...

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Thanks for the information! I appreciate it:)

The perfumer's alcohol worked fine (my first attempt). It mixed well--I let it sit overnight. When I smelled it in the bottle, it was a strong alcohol smell, but when I sprayed it on the skin, the alcohol evaporated off rather quickly and the scent seems to linger. I also added a few drops of glycerin to the mix. HTH

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