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Did I ruin my crockpot?


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I made my second batch of HP soap today, and after I washed and dried the crockpot, I noticed a whitish ring on the inside at the level where the top of the soap was as it was cooking. I tried scrubbing it again, and no luck. Did I ruin my crockpot, or is there something I can do to get rid of whatever it is? I am afraid to cook food in it now.

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If it won't come off with a good scrubbing it is probably ok to still use. However, most of us have utensils and soapmaking pots that we don't use for food.

Thanks for replying! I decided to soak it, and give it another scrub. If it doesn't come off, the pot will be dedicated to the "official" soapmaking tool set. I am sure dear husband won't be too happy, but at least it's not the expensive one.

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