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My biggest tip is to make sure there is plenty of access to a bathroom/sink where people can test things like scrubs and soap out.

I generally set up a place where I can show them a bath bomb in action, like place a tub of water in the sink, or even better pre-fill the tub and toss one in, because some people dont even know what they are and once they see it in action they love it!

I always have samples of everything out that they can touch, use, keep.. like lip balms, lip scrubs. I also have them test sniff new fragrances and such.. sometimes that even leads to future sales, like "Oooh save me 4 bars of that when you make it!".

Another thing I've done is put my body butter next to a store bought one (that costs $16 MORE for the same size container) and have them put mine on the left arm, the store bought on the right arm. At the end of the party, I have them compare arms. It leads to lots of body butter sales because they can see which really is better... its cool to be able to spend all that time face to face and really show them what its about.

With some parties I've also done demonstrations, like made a batch of bath bombs or a batch of soap or something like that so they can see the process.. but it depends on if I'm in my house or someone elses.

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