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candlesource container wax


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For those of you that use the container wax from candlesource, do you cure your wax before melting? I know that is necessary with soy, but I didnt think it was needed with paraffin. I made a batch yesterday afternoon and melted a couple of those tarts this afternoon and didnt smell much at all. I used the pumpkin vanilla from candlesource which had pretty good reviews, so I had high expectations. I am not sure if my sniffer is broken, or if I need to let them cure a bit more before melting.

I made a couple more batches today (mulled cider & grandmas zucchini bread) with the same wax (1lb to 1oz) so I am hoping those do better.


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Most of the time I use it straight, with nothing added to it. Last week I made a couple of pounds of tarts using this wax and white Tea & Ginger FO from Peak's. Let them sit for 2 days; gone in one day. Try the Tea&Ginger in that wax; it throws awesome! Have no idea if it's 100% paraffin or a parasoy. Did you notice how much whiter it is than most other waxes, and did you notice its texture when you cut it? I have, and it's a puzzle, but I love it because it throws GREAT with the vast majority of the FOs I use.

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Hi Ravens,

Can I ask what percentage of FO you typically use per pound with this wax? I can not get the pumpkin/vanilla (also from candlesource) to throw and I used 1oz to 1lb. I have tried it in several different warmers/rooms and nothing. But on the flip side, the mulled cider & the zucchini bread are really strong so maybe it was just that FO and not necessarily the wax.

I am really trying to determine if I like this wax or the KY parasoy blend better. Have you tried the KY and what do you think in comparison? I really like the ease of the KY better, but I dont mind working a little harder for a better throw.


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I have used a have lots of KY parasoy for tarts. As far as I'm concerned, there is no comparison, the Candlesource wax throws waaaay better for me than the KY ever did. The KY is easy to scoop, but the Candlesource wax isn't too hard to cut with a knife.

Like I said, the vast majority of FOs throw great in this wax. I usually use around 1.3oz pp, never more and often less, then let the tarts sit for a day or two.

I'm going to look at my notes and see in which cases I have added extra stuff. I have people who test my tarts, with ratings between 8 and 10. 8 is medium, 9 is strong, and 10 is very strong.

I'll be back shortly after I check my notes, ok? ;)

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Ok, I'm back. Here are some of the FOs and their average ratings:

(1) Black Magic from Candlesource. 14oz wax and 1oz FO. Rating: 9

(2) Pear Spice from Peak's. Rating: 9

(3) Cool Citrus Basil from Peak's. Rating: 10 For this one I used 9oz wax and 0.4oz FO

(4) Dreamcatcher from Aroma Haven was rated a 9. For this one I used 8oz Candlesource wax and 3oz Joywax from NG, plus 0.6oz FO.

(5) Honey patchouli from Elements. Rating: 9.5

(6) Strawberry shortcake from Candle Science. Rating: 9.5

(7) Tall Grass from Peak's. Rating: 9

(8) Dragon's Blood from Elements. Rating: 10

(9) Liquid Crack from Daystar. Rating: 9.5. For this one I used 10oz Candlesource wax and 2oz GB464, and 1oz FO.

(10) Winter Night from Daystar. Rating: 9

winter Night is no longer available. I bought whatever she had left of it because every single person who's tried it loved it!

Hope this will help you some. Like I said, I try FOs in different waxes and combination of waxes. The best results for me come from (1)Candlesource wax, (2)CBL 129 from Candlewic, (3)Joywax mixed with either CBL 129 or Candlesource wax, (4) C-3, either on its own or mixed. I hardly ever use the KY blend for tarts now. It may be different for you, but that's what works for me. Good luck and keep us posted! :D

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Thanks so much for your information and the all time you spent listing that for me. It is greatly appreciated (and encouraging). I am going to make a few more batches today so I will use the container wax and let you know how those turn out in a couple of days. Thanks again!

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