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soy marble


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I'm trying a different way of doing a marble candle. This was a test using some of the million pounds of Soy125 that I have. Blended with palm stearic and beeswax. Gonna try again for a darker/richer marble look. Didn't think it turned out too bad for a first attempt at breaking away from the norm.

Thanks for looking!



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Not too bad looking. Has kind of a unique look to it. Maybe try a little more dye in the next one. Can I ask, why the BW and Stearic both in the soy? Just curious. :smiley2:

Just trying some different variations. I tried soy with stearic and still got a funky looking top....mashed potato like. Maybe not enough stearic. Thought I'd try both additives. However, now that it has cooled more, I've got some wicked (wick-ed) cracks taking off. Back to the drawing boards. Thanks for the response....I'll have to experiment with the dye more too. With the wax melted it looked like more than enough dye. I figure when it burns down and gets a decent melt pool the whole top of the candle will be red. 3 drops of dye in that puppy! Thanks again....

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I usually put several drops of dye in the swirls I have made. But yours really looks unique like that. I would go with either the stearic or the BW, not both. In the winter I have to tone down my beeswax percentage because of the heat running in the house, for some reason makes some of my tops crack, little hairline looking ones. So I use 4% in the summer and 3% in the winter. And I also try not to heatgun them too much, it will encourage the cracking, if it is prone to it. Very nice though for your first one. :)

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  • 1 year later...

I need some ideas on how to make the marble looking candles, I only use soy wax, but my new boss that I make candles for wants the marble ones, so as long as I can add a different kind of wax to it that is natural that would work. I have never done any of the marbling, but see that you add beeswax to it, do you just mix it normally with the dye chip then or do you do it some other way, any help is greatly appreciated.



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Just trying some different variations. I tried soy with stearic and still got a funky looking top....mashed potato like. Maybe not enough stearic. Thought I'd try both additives. However, now that it has cooled more, I've got some wicked (wick-ed) cracks taking off. Back to the drawing boards. Thanks for the response....I'll have to experiment with the dye more too. With the wax melted it looked like more than enough dye. I figure when it burns down and gets a decent melt pool the whole top of the candle will be red. 3 drops of dye in that puppy! Thanks again....

Is that the Soy125 from Candlewic? I had a mashed potato-y top to my candles with that stuff too. Can't stand the stuff. I still have about 5lbs that I dont know what to do with, I dont like how it looks at all.

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