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I lost this site!! lol

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Hey everyone,

I lost this site for a while because of major computer problems, but luckily I found it again last night! :)

I have been making votive candles for about 5 months now....I was going to start on containers today but figured out I didn't order wick stickum things and don't have a hot glue gun :( so I have to wait until I can get a hot glue gun...gonna try head to Wal mart tomorrow.

A couple of quick questions... does putting the votive molds and glass jelly jars and stuff in the oven on low...(mine only goes to about 170) work best for cleaning out the residue?

Second....I have trouble sometimes smelling my votives especially in my living room, (a pretty large and open space)...But DH usually says he can smell them just fine. I think it just may be me being inside with it all day:)

Anyways, sorry to go on...lol

I love this site and am sooooo glad I found it again! I was seriously going through withdrawls!

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Welcome Back!! lol

Yes, putting them in the oven works very well for melting the residue. We liine our pan with paper towel, then tip the jars and votive molds upside down so it melts into the paper towel.

It used to make me nervous having paper towel in the oven, but if you keep it on low and ALWAYS use a clean paper towel (don't use the same - the wax buildup will not be good!), you should have no trouble. If you still need to wipe excess off of the metal votive molds, BE CAREFUL - those puppies are SHARP!

If he can smell the scent, it probably means you have "candle nose" from smelling it all day. Try sniffing some coffee beans or taking a walk outside and coming back in and see if that helps.

Edited by Jane42
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Thanks Jane!! lol

I thought I had heard of putting them upside down on a paper towel in the oven....but as you said the thought of putting paper towels in the oven scares the fool outta me! I guess I will give it a try though :)

oh, and I found out the hard way that the votives are sharp :( that really hurt my finger!

I will try the coffee beans too, hadn't really heard of that before :)

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oh, and I found out the hard way that the votives are sharp :( that really hurt my finger!

DARN - I am sorry I was too late with that!!! lol I sliced my finger - not bad enough for stitches, but enough to make me want to pass out!!! lol I am not sure why they have to make them so sharp!!

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I usually clean out containers by heating an inch or two of water in a pot and putting the containers in for a few min. But then, I usually re-use the residue by pouring it all into a mishmash container candle (avoiding excess carbon chunks or picking them out with a big tweezer)

Molds usually just running hot tap over the outside and then wiping the inside.

Oven method does sound less labor intensive.

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