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Test Burning

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I was wondering when others test burn if they do a power burn on any of their candles. I dont sell my candles but I do gift them to family and friends.

I got a couple of containers back from my son and boy were they a mess. It looks like they never trimmed the wick when they relite it or just let it burn for hours and hours. Lota of mushroom stuff they just let fall into the container.

I think when we test burn we check it after 2, 3, and 4 hours and keep the wick trimmed.

I dont think most people really do that, they just light it and let it go.


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I have a little square of "instructions" that I put on my wicks-letting people know how to "burn" their candle. I figure then if they choose not to follow my instructions-at least I tried to instruct them. It is an extra step-but I have had many people thank me for including that bit of information.

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I was wondering when others test burn if they do a power burn on any of their candles.

Definitely! While controlled testing may help me arrive at the right wicking and other aspects of the candle system, I always put candles through power burns, neglect and abuse to see how things go when burned the way many people are going to burn candles (no matter what instructions they are given).

It looks like they never trimmed the wick when they relite it or just let it burn for hours and hours. Lota of mushroom stuff they just let fall into the container.

I pay a lot of attention to candles when I am at the homes of other people... I love it when people return glassware to me because I am interested/horrified at what I see in some of the containers, especially matches and wick trimmings.

I not only powerburn some of mine, I let 'em get "messy" the way many customers do. I can't bring myself to actually throw matches in the melt pools, BUT when I burn them outside on my porch, they do get moths & mosquitoes in them! I don't trim wicks, etc.

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