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sachet shelf life...

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I have wholesale accounts who order aroma bead sachets... i package them in a plastic baggie with card stock stapled label. my concern is, how long will they continue to smell like this... should i shrink wrap them or seal a meal them to keep their scent longer?

one account ordered a bunch for a grand opening 3 months ago, and i went in the other day, she still had quite a bit left and they were not too strong? i also have some orders for christmas and are wanting to wait till close to christmas to purchase them so they are still strong...

i know the beads are still strong in the airtight container, so i am thinking seal a meal would work, but i couldnt staple the label on , i guess i could put a sticker?? any one experience this?

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I use Food Saver bags. They keep onion smell locked in and candle scent too. I don't vacuum them just heat seal them only. If you need a smaller bag just seal to the size you need then cut close to the seal and you got a smaller bag. Also leave enough extra bag at the top above the seal line that you can staple a header card to. That way when you staple above the seal line you don't let any scent out.

So the customer can smell what scent in in the bag you can pour a little FO in a bottle and put a lable on the bottle sample sniffer and the scent name.

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Put them in poly pro bags with a zipper so they can stay fresh AND the customer can smell them!! 6 months should not be a proble I wouldnt think as long as they were packaged properly. Maybe someone else will chime in

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was it the bags that i sent the votives in for the votive swap?

Yes those would be it!! You see poly pro you shouldnt be able to smell through the plastic. But if you have some ROCKING scents you might be able to. Maybe get some samples from your supplier with a thicker gauge. You prolly got a 2 mil, maybe try aa 3 or 4 mil. I can definately smell through yours, but your scent rocks though..:smiley2:

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Well try to find something with a zipper. So that it is completely sealed. Thicker is better because if it doesnt "release" scent well it cures itself. Does that make sense lol? Basically if the scent cannot get out it can only stay within itself. Airtight you know?:)

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I've found you definately have to do something. Although I packaged some corn cob ones up once for a shelf life test - and even though it was polypro bag it degraded horribly in 3-4 months - the FO finally started eating it away and it got that crumbly/crinkly look. Never could get them to pass a decent shelf life test, so my wholesaler doesn't get any.

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shelf life test... hmm.... maybe i should have thought of that before i sold them to her... i feel as though i should make it right... take em back and give her a credit on candles call it a recall?? thats the only small account ive sold them to. the other account is seasonal and they sell em all in a couple of months.. someting to think about... i use the aroma bead and find they absorb better than the corn cob.. i have had some aroma bead sachets stored for months and they have not eaten through or anything, but definitaley not as strong..

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I sold some yesterday that were made a year ago ( for Christmas) and stored in a pro bag with a zipper. I had them in with some new ones that I recently made, and the old ones sold just as well as the new ones. Granted, it was a "heavier scent", Clean Cotton, but I was amazed that it was still as strong as it was after a year. The bag also held up well, no deterioration at all.

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