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using Roasters

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Okay I was givin 2 roasters that were used and have been sitting around colleting dust at this persons house she no longer does candles and so I have them now. I dont use these I was wondering if anyone does and if they like them or how you work them do you double broil with them also or do you just put you wax in I can't see that you would but maybe I am wrong these things are so big too:confused: can anyone explain are these worth using or just stay with what I have


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I've had no luck melting wax in them because it takes forever BUT they have been great for warming jars in before pouring. The bonus is, because I use palm wax, it is also a great place to leave the jars during the cold winter months the pour to cool slowly rather than having to lug everything upstairs to my kitchen. I just unplug the unit when I am done pouring and throw a couple of beach towels folded in 1/2 over them to hold the heat in on the top.

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thank you for your info. I also thought that it would take a long time and as we all know with busy lives we dont have time. It also is so big that would be alot of wax I dont think that I would enjoy cleaning that big thing. But I do need to be thankful to her.

thanks so much

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No problem. I wouldn't be surprised if you could use them as double boilers too, I just have never tried because I have a presto that I use for that and a large melter that I use for big batches so I never really had the need to.

That said, if you use soy wax it might be worth atleast trying once to see what happens. My palm wax takes forever to melt in whatever melter I use so it might be different with a different wax.

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I do you soy and it is fast at melting but I hate clean up lol and that looks like I would be there all day and so much wax I would have to give them to everyone in my city lol:)

LOL, just wait! You will get there. I just upgraded from my multiple 8 lb presto pots to 2 commercial melters (a 75lb'er and a 100 lb'er). I NEVER imagined I would get there!

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I use my electric roaster to melt wax but only when I'm making my firestarters. :smiley2: I built up my scrap wax in there and then when it's about half full (or so), I plug it in and wait... and wait... and wait... and wait... lol then throw in my cedar chips and wait some more... It works though and I can get a TON of firestarters done in one day - I just have other quick stuff to do while I wait...


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Thanks for all of the ideas. I do hope that I get to that point someday (big) but I am good for now. I will look into the soap at a later date I wanted to make cp soap but this is not going to work for that. This board is great I feel like you are all here with me to answer all the questions that stump me

thanks to all:yay:

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I have 2 roasters and that's all I use with container and tart wax(soy). In each I keep about a 1/4 inch of water in the bottom when melting my wax. Really it doesn't take that long and you don't have to fill them completely. I turn mine on in the morning and before I know it it's melted. Really easy and holds a lot of melted wax if you're making lots of product that day.

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When I first started making candles I used two roasters. I kept the wax melted all the time and they worked just fine. I did use water so it was like a double boiler.

My husband then made me a wax melter and now I have a commercial wax melter that keeps about 250 lbs. of wax melted at once. The only time I turn the melter off is after Christmas when I'm not making many candles.

But, I regress, the roasters will work just fine for you. I used mine for probably two years before moving on to something bigger. Just set the thermo. to the temp you want to pour at and leave it going.

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Thanks for all of the ideas. I do hope that I get to that point someday (big) but I am good for now. I will look into the soap at a later date I wanted to make cp soap but this is not going to work for that. This board is great I feel like you are all here with me to answer all the questions that stump me

thanks to all:yay:

I have a soap mold that fits in the roaster. So I make CPOP and use the roaster for my oven. Love it... I have the 3lb one


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