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Anyone ever been to peaks?

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They are in Denver, Co... which is about a 5 hour drive from me, but might be worth the trip since shipping on my tumblers and jars has gone way up and its basically like paying 50% more. And... I love to travel, so I look for any excuse. :cheesy2: I'm just wondering if anyone has ever been there and if they know if they let you smell the fragrance oils before you buy? I emailed them but its Sunday so I thought maybe some of you might know and be able to tell me before I get a response back from them.

now to tell the hubs that we're going to Denver and theres nothing he can do about it.. haha:p

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If it's anything like the Candle Science warehouse, the whole place may smell so strongly of all the fragrances that you'd be hard pressed to evaluate any of them ;)

Partylite has a nice system where they pass around little containers of wax in all 20 or 30 fragrances. Kinda like lip gloss containers. They screwed together in a compact little stack, too...

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If it's anything like the Candle Science warehouse, the whole place may smell so strongly of all the fragrances that you'd be hard pressed to evaluate any of them ;)

LOL im sure it is.. my husband laughs at me because I am a stay at home mom and I burn my own candles pretty much all day, so I dont smell them as much as someone coming into the house. Serious case of candle nose.. he comes home and goes "whoa thats strong!!" and I'm thinking... what is? I dont smell anything anymore!

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I got my answer! Catina from their customer service emailed me back...

Hello Kristin,

Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, we have a front store that you can come and pick up your order as well as smell the fragrances. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Kind Regards,

Catina Teagle

Peak Candle Supplies

I am so excited to get to test all the fragrances... I'll take notes when I go :)

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Please type us your notes, because I love their pink sugar and am curious if they have other fos that strong.

will do! I'm so excited to get to try them all. It will be early spring when I finally get to go (March) but I will make sure and take notes on what is a hit or miss and which are strongest.

My husband thinks I am so lame.. I brought up Denver and hes like "sure that would be a nice weekend trip.. what do you want to do?"

...uh.... go buy candle stuff... all I got in return for saying that was a VERY blank stare.:confused: LOL.

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