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ISO: WSP Bath Cookie Recipe

Judy, USMC

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I had it bookmarked but the link won't work. They are closed until Jan 4th and I'd like to play with it this weekend. They were cute. Tinted M&P was used as an icing on some. I liked the idea that it DID NOT use eggs.

I originally got to it through the old newsletter link (if I remember correctly.) Can't find it now since they've converted to a library system. So if someone could link me up or provide the actual recipe I sure would appreciate it!

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:yay::yay: YES!!! :yay::yay:

I'd love to know how you found it - I searched for hours!

But now, looking at the September comments, I'm not so sure ...

Is this too aggressive for a first timer?

How do I tweak this if it comes out too oily when I try it.

Suggestions anyone?

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Judy, I just googled Wholesale Supplies Plus bath cookie recipe and it came right up :confused:

Looking at the recipe, I would say use cocoa butter in place of the shea to harden them up... it's a much harder butter. Don't worry if they are soft at first. Once melted, cocoa butter can take several days to re-solidify.

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One of the Natrasorb ssuppliers states on their site that it is not available but can be replaced by DryFlo. This will be the only ingredient I'm missing (so far?)

Just wanted to verify with someone who uses it: "The trick here is to add the fragrance directly to the natrasorb, and then add that mixture to the rest of the recipe." AND/OR "it can be back added."

So I'm assuming that I can either do a sub at the begining or do a light dusting at the end if it's too oily, right? (Sorry for all the cautionary questions - this is my first time really working with these ingredients.)

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Dry-flo is just modified cornstarch...much finer than regular cornstarch and does absorb oil quite well. I believe Natrasorb is a modified tapioca starch (I need to look that up to be sure) - and it will hold quite a bit more oil than dry-flo. I use it in my powdered bubble bath recipe because it will actually disperse the oil into the water instead of it floating on the top.

If you don't have dry flo, I would just roll with the cornstarch you have and slowly add the oils. What you are trying NOT to do is activate the citric acid with too much liquid...one it starts fizzing theres no going back.

I would do as you said...add the oils to the cornstarch and then mix with other ingredients. If it's not mushy enough to hold together, slowly add a bit more liquid in small doses. You could also spritz lightly with witch hazel instead of adding more oil.

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Ah-soy ~ I appreciate all your advice. I looked up the Natrasorb and it sounds like a great thing to have "just in case". I think I'll hold off on playing until I get some.

TFCbrooke made them and encountered the same "won't set up" problem. So she stared another thread "WSP Bath cookies ...". She has gone the "more cornstarch" route.

It will be interesting to see what comments arise there.

Thanks, again!

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Basically, these are just bath bombs shaped like cookies. The trick with bath bombs is to get the consistency just right ....like wet sand so that it holds a shape. Bombs take a long time to dry out and harden up so patience may be the key.

Also, spritzing with witch hazel (I use a fine mist sprayer for bath bombs) is a good way to keep them moist for shaping instead of adding more oil.

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Looking at the recipe, I would say use cocoa butter in place of the shea to harden them up... it's a much harder butter. Don't worry if they are soft at first. Once melted, cocoa butter can take several days to re-solidify.

Makes good sense. We use a simple recipe of cocoa butter, baking soda, corn starch, citric acid, sweet almond oil, and fragrance oil that works well. Of course they do not look nearly as cool as the WSP melts. :rolleyes2

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