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Expression of appreciation for this site!

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Hey, I just want to say to everyone on this board how incredibly grateful I am to have this forum to come to, and for a variety of reasons. The support, technical advice, experience that so many of you have and are willing to share; it all really just blows me away! (OMG- can't believe I just used that phrase! Sorry!) I don't log on daily, sometimes it can be weeks. I rarely post; ok, maybe I go in spurts, but compared to many of you, I rarely speak. When I have a minute, I'll do a quick check. When I have a question or problem, or if I'm looking for some 'thing' related to 'what we do', I come here. Someone always replies; there's always suggestions and advice offered. Bottom line: What a great group! Thank you ever so much for being here!

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I wholeheartedly agree!!! I am new to this game, and I know that I have a lot to learn. I appreciate every precious post on this board, and I do not know what I would do without it!!

There is no way that you would buy a scent that is listed on here by everyone as smelling awful, or having yucky scent throw no matter what you test.

There is no way that you would buy wax that you wouldn't be able to use with those 1000 zinc core wicks you got at such a great deal.

There is no way ... even at 3 in the morning... when you need a pick me up... that you should ever feel alone.. as someone is ALWAYS online, and always reading posts.

You guys have been my sounding board, and you have been there to tell me how much of a wonderful job I am doing. The compliments I get make my day!! My other half is supportive, but he isnt a woman, and he isnt a candlemaker, so he has no idea what I am talking about half the time! HE even thanks God for this site!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have posted and replied on this forum.

You all deserve a HUGE hug and a standing ovation for all of the hard work and love that goes into this!!!!!!

WELL DONE for starting this topic!!! It will be a HOT one!

Thank you all,


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I agree! This is only my second post here and I've been lurking for months. Almost everything I've learned is from this site. I haven't really had a need to post, everything I need to know I find right here without having to ask. And just starting out, I don't have much to offer to answer any questions at this point.

This site and the people here have been absolutely invaluable to me and I appreciate everything I have learned from everyone :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with you guys. I've been reading and posting here for quite a few years, but I often don't post anything for a month or longer. But I do read very often--usually at least every 2 days, although there have been a few "dry spells" when I didn't have time to hit the internet for a week or more.

But this is always my "go-to" place and I've learned so very much here!

I'm very grateful to the people who keep this site going and all those who post here regularly and give us so much wisdom!


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I agree with you guys to. I've been reading and posting here for quite a few years, but mostly on B&B section but now I am hooked on candles and I do

have to thank all of you for helping me learn something new everyday

Thank you everybody :bow: :highfive: :thumbsup:

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I completely agree! I love being a part of a group of people who work together, not against each other. There is so much information on here. I love seeing what everyone else is making. It is inspirational. It is also nice to know that there are others out there doing the same thing I am doing. I don't have any friends who make candles, so it is great to be able to talk to all of you who share the same wonderful, addictive interest.

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This place has always been like that. A lot of the 'Old Hands' started out as newbies, right here.

In a couple of years, you guys will be the experts who come in and save someone's day.

I think I spent about 2 months just reading through the archives, when I first found the old Candletech board. I was silly enough to think this whole candle thing was gonna be really simple, when I bought that $30 kit, at the hobby shop.:laugh2:

And always remember Thomas Edison.

Thomas Edison tried 2000 ways to make a incandescent light bulb and he quoted "I did not fail 2000 times, I simply found 2000 ways not to make a light bulb"

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