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One strange problem with GB464

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This is really odd, and it's never happened before. I melted 1 pound of 464, added 1 teaspoon coconut oil. At around 165 degrees I added 1.5oz Moon Lake Musk (CS), turned off the heat and let it cool to approx. 130, stirring all the time. I then poured in 2 tureens, one has a zinc wick (60-44-18), and the other is a CDN 14. The jars opening is a little over 3 inches. The leftover wax was poured into an ice cube tray (will use them as tarts).

I just went to take a look at the tureens, and the 464 is still liquid!!!:shocked2: There are just very, very small areas that show some "progress". Two or three of the ice cubes look set (the wax looks creamy), but why is the wax in the tureens behaving this way. All I can think is that I poured at a much cooler temp than I usually do; what else could I have done wrong? I hope they'll be set by morning, it's been nearly one hour since I poured the wax!:confused:

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Thanks for your help. I finally decided it was time to go to bed and stopped stressing about my liquid candles. This morning the candles look well set. The tops are smooth except at the very edge of the jars where I notice some minor rippling of the wax.

Will pour more tonight using a different FO but repeating the same steps; curious to see if the FO may have something to do with it.

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It also occurred to me that tureens are a squat shape with shoulders - that might cause the heat to be held in more than on another shape of container. The cooling times/procedures I use are different for different shaped containers because of this. HTH

Have you tested these candles yet? Curious as to the results... :)

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